In Search of the Wildman (2013)
A short film in which the artist goes on a transformational journey- utilising the textures of the landscape, and craft processes. Created in just one week whilst on residency at Outlandia in Glen Nevis, for London Fieldworks.
In the film, In search of The Wildman the artist is seen in the landscape hand-processing raw, natural materials to fabricate a costume that effects his transformation into 'The Wildman'. Glen Nevis provides an arena for a choreographed, solitary, artisanal performance, in which the landscape is simultaneously framed as a visual backdrop for a play on self-encountering, and as a resource for the maker's basic materials. In his video, Stevenson leaves us guessing where this might lead.
Outlandia Residency Blog, by Gilchrist & Joelson, 2013.